put lanterns in your Eves…

New Year’s Eve is approaching and it is up an awareness campaign toward the traditional fireworks, firecrackers, rockets and so on.
In many cities and towns, in Italy and abroad, the firecrackers have been banned. Every year there are accidents, even serious, and the animals are terrified and die.
According to WWF,
Il veglione di Capodanno è ormai prossimo ed è in essere una campagna di sensibilizzazione verso i tradizionali botti, petardi, razzi e cosí via.
In molte città e centri abitati, in Italia e all’estero, i botti sono stati proibiti. Ogni anno si verificano incidenti, anche gravi, gli animali rimangono terrorizzati e muoiono.
Secondo il WWF,


all'anno che verrà…

sulle note di Alla scoperta di Babbo Natale (A. Valeri Manera – C. Carucci, 1986)

Io lo so che tu arriverai e, con te, qualcosa porterai…

Cosí Pasquale piú figo sarà

ed il futuro migliore sarà…

Rit.: Non vedo l’ora, non vedo l’ora

che arrivi Natale!

Poi la Befana e, soprattutto, un anno speciale!

Perché non c’è migliore regalo

di quel che aspettiamo da tempo lontano,

lontano, lontano…


Io lo so che tu arriverai

puntual, eh già,

a gennaio, il 6!

Cosí il Fato si compirà

ed un mondo si solleverà!


C’è, lo sai, un sogno che

respira, sí, in ognuno di noi

ma in cielo c’è anche una stella che

ci vola sopra, come se nascesse un Re!


Io lo so che tu arriverai

perché, sennò,

le braccine perderai…

Yes, I know, you will arrive
and bring something with you …
So Pasqual cooler will be

and the future better will be …

Ref.: Looking forward, looking forward

to Christmas arrive!

Then the Epiphany and, over all, a very special year!

Because there is no better gift

than that one we expect

since long time,

long time …


Yes, I know, you will arrive

on time, oh yeah,

on January, the 6th!

So Fate will be fulfilled

and a world will rise up!


There is, you know, a dream

that breathes, yes, in everyone of us

but in heaven there is also a star

that flies over, as if a King were born!


Yes, I know, you will arrive

‘cause, otherwise, 

you will lose your arms …

best wishes!

My friends,

I would like to give you

my traditional message

for nicest holidays and happy new year!

2009, this difficult year, is going to end

although my feeling is that it be spent in a particularly fast.

I do not think, however,

that time is collapsing.

In my personal opinion,

the interpretation of the Mayan calendar

as an apocalyptic prophecy is a mistake.

2010’Eve will be not the third-last New year’s Eve of the story.

December 21, 2012 will mark, on the opposite,

the beginning of a new era,

harbinger of peace and progress!

New discoveries will be made,

New frontiers will be overcome

new achievements obtained,

for the good of humanity and the whole world!

Even if it is the end of the world to come closer

Final Judgement is not to be feared

because God sees the heart

and knows how to reward according to merit.

Best wishes, then. Greetings from the heart, everyone!

Wishes to my old and new friends,

those known personally and those encountered professionally,

those I meet on the street and those I meet on the Internet

those you speak directly to

and those who take advantage of some intermediaries.

May 2010 to give everyone

the right key

to realize the dreams!
