Shakespeare bisex, Berlinale genderless, other demons

  • Happy birthday, sir Sean Connery!
  • The international Berlin Film Festival since now will be genderless: the awards for best actor and best actress will be abolished and replaced with best lead role and best supporting role. It is the first time in a festival. The next Berlinale will be held since 11 to 21 February 2021, within special security measures. Films will be registered for the festival since the 1st of September. 
  • William Shakespeare actually was bisexual. At least in accordance with two English scholars, Stanley Wells and Paul Edmondson, who carefully examined the 154 sonnets written by the playwright. It is not a particularly shocking piece of information, it is to be found even in literary manuals. It was already known that 126 of the poems were addressed to the ‘Fair Youth’, the handsome young man, and only the last 28 to a woman, known as the ‘Dark Lady’. Many argue that the Sonnets are not really dedicated to someone but are a literary work for its own sake. Others believe that the ‘Fair Youth’ was Shakespeare himself, mad in his infinite and confessed vanity. Others recall that in the Renaissance male friendship was expressed with expressions of affection, bed-sharing and declarations of love that we now associate with sexual relationships. The whole LGBT community now hopes for a film in which Shakespeare’s bisexuality could be told explicitly, although something could already have been glimpsed in previous works. In our own small way, we would like to mention the beautiful friendship of Antonio and Bassanio in the ‘Merchant of Venice’…
  • Pupi and Antonio Avati, director and producer respectively, are also at the Bif&st to talk about their latest film, ‘il Signor Diavolo’ (‘Mr.Devil’), which we have seen, always in our own small way, as soon as released in theaters. For the film, the two professionals received the “Tonino Guerra Award” for the best original story. Speaking of future projects, Pupi Avati told Ansa that he is “exactly at the halfway point of a film entitled ‘Lei mi parla ancora’ (‘She speaks to me again’), a sentimental story about the 65 years of marriage of Vittorio Sgarbi’s father and mother, therefore anachronistic today. (…) A film that wants to “demonstrate – Antonio urges – our great confidence in the future of cinema and the big screen, in the resumption of the use of cinema through the big screen and theaters, because it is a film that is made solely for that, we have no desire, no reason or push to propose it on digital or web channels, we are making a film for the cinema, as it once was “. Pupi Avati then recalled the “icing on the cake “, also anticipated by us, or the “biography of Dante Alighieri told by Boccaccio, played by Sergio Castelitto. A film awaited for 18 years, that should bring with it the consequences of all our life’s work“.
  • Today starting Giffoni 2020 2nd part…

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