Dreyfus, Roman Polanski, and the anti-Semitism

The film ‘J’accuse’, in Italy ‘The officer and the spy’, by Roman Polański, starred by Jean Dujardin and Louis Garrel, is based on the Dreyfus affair, and takes the title from the article that the writer Émile Zola wrote to defend the innocent defendant.
It is technically perfect, artistically admirable and allows us to reflect on how much anti-Semitism there has always been in Europe and in the world.
As will be recalled from scholastic reminiscences, the Jewish population has been the object of prejudice, discrimination and persecution in all periods of history; in ancient times, the Jews were frequently subjugated and deported, in later periods, aided by some imperial constitutions, accusations of deicide and prohibitions relating to entire working environments, they were often vilified and marginalized. Even earlier, therefore, to arrive at the Shoah and the most known atrocities of the twentieth century.
The present blogger remembers having even found an anti-Semitic fairy tale collected by the Brothers Grimm
Il film ‘J’accuse’, in Italia ‘L’ufficiale e la spia’, di Roman Polański,interpretato da Jean Dujardin e Louis Garrel, si basa sul caso Dreyfus e mutua il titolo originale dall’articolo che lo scrittore Émile Zola scrisse per difendere l’innocente imputato.
È tecnicamente perfetto, artisticamente mirabile e consente di riflettere su quanto antisemitismo ci sia sempre stato in Europa e nel mondo.
Come si ricorderà dalle reminiscenze scolastiche, la popolazione ebraica è stata oggetto di pregiudizi, discriminazioni e persecuzioni in tutte le epoche della storia; nell’antichità, gli Ebrei erano di frequente sottomessi e deportati, nelle epoche successive, complici alcune costituzioni imperiali, accuse di deicidio e divieti relativi a interi ambiti lavorativi, sono stati spesso vilipesi ed emarginati. Ancor prima, dunque, d’arrivare alla Shoah e alle  piú conosciute atrocità del Novecento.
Chi scrive ricorda d’avere addirittura trovato una fiaba antisemita nella raccolta dei fratelli Grimm 


Monuments Men

 The unique defect of ‘Monuments Men’ is that it could be longer.

 In just 118 minutes the spectator has a wonderful history essay,

 art and shades of the human soul.

 Everyone should watch it.

 Thank you so much for such a wonderful movie, Clooney.

 And many thanks you too, Matt Damon and Jean Dujardin (merci? Wink).

 And all the others.

The Monuments Men Film


Non vedevamo l’ora di conoscere l’assegnazione degli Oscar 2012 ed il momento è infine arrivato. Grandi congratulazioni alla coppia Ferretti – Lo Schiavo, che ha portato in Italia il premio per la migliore scenografia (Hugo Cabret) e a tutti i vincitori:
FILM: The Artist
– REGIA: Michel Hazanavicius (The Artist)
-ATTORE PROTAGONISTA: Jean Dujardin (The Artist)
-ATTRICE PROTAGONISTA: Meryl Streep (The Iron Lady)
-ATTORE NON PROTAGONISTA: Christopher Plummer (Beginners)
-ATTRICE NON PROTAGONISTA: Octavia Spencer (The Help)
– FILM STRANIERO: Una Separazione (Iran)
-SCENEGGIATURA ORIGINALE: Woody Allen (Midnight in Paris)
-SCENEGGIATURA NON ORIGINALE: Alexander Payne, Nat Faxon e Jim Rash (Paradiso Amaro)
-CORTO D’ANIMAZIONE: The Fantastic Flying books of Mr. Morris Lessmore
– FOTOGRAFIA: Robert Richardson (Hugo Cabret)
– SCENOGRAFIA: Dante Ferretti e Francesca Lo Schiavo (Hugo Cabret)
– COLONNA SONORA ORIGINALE: Ludovic Bource (The Artist)
– SONORO: Tom Fleischman e John Midgley (Hugo Cabret)
– MONTAGGIO SONORO: Philip Stockton ed Eugene Gearty (Hugo Cabret)
– TRUCCO: Mark Coulier e J. Roy Helland (The Iron Lady)
– COSTUMI: Mark Bridges (The Artist)
– DOCUMENTARIO: Undefeated
– EFFETTI VISIVI: Rob Legato, Joss Williams, Ben
Grossman ed Alex Henning (Hugo Cabret)
-MONTAGGIO: Kirk Baxter e Angus Wall (Uomini che odiano le donne)
– CANZONE ORIGINALE: Bret McKenzie (I Muppet)


We have been loooking forward to Oscars 2012 and the moment has finally arrived. Best congratulations to the couple Ferretti – Lo Schiavo, who brought to Italy the award for the best background (Hugo Cabret) and to all the winners:
 -BEST FILM: The Artist
– DIRECTING: Michel Hazanavicius (The Artist)
-ACTOR IN A LEADING ROLE: Jean Dujardin (The Artist)
-ACTRESS IN A LEADING ROLE: Meryl Streep (The Iron Lady)
-ACTOR IN A SUPPORTING ROLE: Christopher Plummer (Beginners)
-ACTRESS IN A SUPPORTING ROLE: Octavia Spencer (The Help)
– FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM: A Separation (Iran)
– WRITING (ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY): Woody Allen (Midnight in Paris)
– WRITING (ADAPTED SCREENPLAY): Alexander Payne, Nat Faxon and Jim Rash (The Descendants)
– SHORT FILM (ANIMATED): The Fantastic Flying books of Mr. Morris Lessmore
– PHOTOGRAPHY: Robert Richardson (Hugo Cabret)
– BACKGROUND: Dante Ferretti and Francesca Lo Schiavo (Hugo Cabret)
– MUSIC (ORIGINAL SCORE): Ludovic Bource (The Artist)
– SOUND: Tom Fleischman e John Midgley (Hugo Cabret)
– SOUND EDITING: Philip Stockton ed Eugene Gearty (Hugo Cabret)
– MAKE UP: Mark Coulier e J. Roy Helland (The Iron Lady)
– COSTUMES: Mark Bridges (The Artist)
– SHORT: The Shore
– DOCUMENTARY: Undefeated
– VISUAL EFFECTS: Rob Legato, Joss Williams, Ben Grossman and Alex Henning (Hugo Cabret)
– EDITING: Kirk Baxter and Angus Wall (Men who hate women)
-ORIGINAL SONG: Bret McKenzie (The Muppets)