CETA: made in Italy in danger?

‘Parmesan’ is not “Parmigiano Reggiano”, as well as many Italian specialties are not those ones often sold in the supermarkets and presented as original Italian products. The quality of the ingredients, the nature, the particular pipeline, make a difference which is evident and which is not possible to hide. Made in Italy is Made in Italy and must be defended in any possible place.
According to Francesco Paolo Capone, General Secretary of Ugl workers union,

“The possible approval of the treaty with Canada, the Ceta, would not simply jeopardize many of our mainstream products, such as wheat, meats and cheese, and the southern territories already deserted by the crisis, but would disrupt the whole made in Italy”.

Capone asks for “a moment of reflection and to confront all those realities that, from producers to consumers through the workers, have valid arguments to stop a losing agreement and therefore all the right to be heard by Parliament and government.”
Since many, many people, farmers and common citizens, did a street demonstration to protest, he also underlines:

“We therefore understand the reasons for those who are now in the square: it is not permissible on the part of a country like Italy, whose production identity is based on the Made in Italy, to give the freeway to false imitating our products and the entry of raw materials that would disrupt most of our best productions or would unfair competition to those that make quality their distinctive character, with the aggravation that the clauses of this Treaty would prevent judicial proceedings against fake or unfair competition. It is really paradoxical to import poor Canada’s wheat with the South of Italy economically already on its knees and in light of the primacy of which today can boast of Italy or be the world leader in pasta production.”

Source: www.ugl.it