#giveElsaaGirlfriend and much more

Update on March 11, 2018: and what about a contest among the most handsome princes for Elsa’s hand? A contest decided by Anna, perhaps, or by the people of Arendelle… The princes try and try, but… Hum, now realizing, already treated in ‘the Brave’ and in other stories…
Update on #GiveElsaAGirlfriend, on May 28: of course Disney does not need our ideas but… what about a prince who falls in love with Elsa and tries to win her heart? He could be a magic prince, whose powers based on the fire, and the entire film dealing with his endeavors, and fighting, for Elsa’s heart… At the end, when Elsa seems to be conquered, we realize it is not possibile… Anna, and maybe Someone else, laugh…(© Pasquale Curatola )

Three interesting news for the Disney family, from America and Italy. As for comics, Italians artists have always expressed particular skills and the parodies have always been one of their main specialties. Well, in the next number of ‘Topolino’ (Mickey mouse) there are two: that one of ‘Slam Dunk’, the well-known japanese basketball-based manga, and that one of ‘il Gattopardo’, one of the classics of the twentieth century Italian literature, written by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa. It is an idea among the most well-aimed ones, because next week there is ‘Etna Comics’, Sicilian festival dedicated to the comics books and, as we certainly remember, it is the noble land of Sicily the backdrop of the events narrated in the novel which, although reduced by some critics, has been considered a masterpiece for a long time. (‘Gattopardo’ is the animal that was the symbol of a noble family, to be translated ‘ocelot’ for the American species, ‘serval’ for African; Luchino Visconti also made a film adaptation, starred by Alain Delon, Burt Lancaster and Claudia Cardinale).
As for the rest of the world, however, the final trailer for Finding Dory’, Andrew Stanton and Angus MacLane awaited sequel of ‘Discovering Nemo’, was launched, and the film will be released in U.S. on Friday, June 17 (in Italy on September 15). In one of the sequences, Hank, the octopus friend of the goldfish Dory, lands by chance in a wheelchair carried out at the park by two women. Is it a rainbow family? (altro…)

Disney: finding Dory, awaiting the Jungle Book, glancing TV upfronts and Frozen 2

Update on April 13: today, at 11.30, Disney’s ‘the Jungle Book’ inaugurates the very special Cinema installed at the “Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli” hospital, in Rome; it is the “Medicinema” project, which allows patients to see a movie at the hospital even if in bed or in a wheelchair.
2016 is a very important year for Disney films. ‘Finding Nemo’ sequel, ‘Finding Dory’, is scheduled for being released in U.S. on June 17. (It is a Friday 17. Please take me as a lucky charm). ‘Finding Dory’ will be based on that pretty fish who helped Nemo’s father in finding his little one, sure to be able, e.g., to imitate the arcane language of the whales; as everyone remembers, she suffers of amnesia and is not able to remember things for enough time. This must be the reason for she will get in troubles… An “Octopus/Sectopus” a part…

The film, a Disney – Pixar co-production, produced by the Oscar-awarded John Lasseter and directed by the Oscar-awarded Andrew Stanton, will be dealing with ecology, as well as it happens in many Disney’s movies.
As for TV, traditional upfronts partially took place, for cable channels at least. Freeform, a Disney/ABC television, revealed (altro…)

disney’s inside out: Joy and Reason the same thing

In Disney – Pixar ‘Inside Out’, Joy and Reason coincide in the same way in which, in the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas, Being and Essence coincide in God.
How can you not be optimistic?”, an Italian poet once taught us.

In ‘Inside Out’ (Disney – Pixar), Gioia e Ragione coincidono, alla stesa stregua in cui, nel pensiero di san Tommaso d’Aquino, Essere ed Essenza coincidono in Dio. “Come si fa a non essere ottimisti?” ci ha insegnato, una volta, un poeta italiano.

cam caminí (3)

Mary Poppins is coming back. The actress who will star in the film is yet to be defined (as well as for the entire cast) but, according to ‘Entertainment Weekly’, the unusual nanny born in the fantasy of Pamela Lyndom Travers (told in ‛Saving Mr. Bank) is to be taken for granted as another remake Disney is preparing for every one of us.

Action will be moved twenty years later respect to the previous version, directed 50 years ago by Robert Stevenson and this sequel, directed by Rob Marshall, taking inspiration from the same novels of Pamela Lyndom Travers, will count on David Magee for  the screenplay, Marc Shaiman and Scott Wittman for the musics.

Someone, especially in social networks, has complained this initiative as unnecessary, given the immortal magic of the first film and the superb interpretation of Julie Andrews (who runs the risk to be called this time too). Anyway, we trust in magic and, rather than any other one, in Disney magic.

Mary Poppins sta tornando. L’attrice che sarà protagonista nel film è ancora da definire (come tutto il cast) ma, secondo ‘Entertainment Weekly‘, l’insolita tata nata dalla fantasia di Pamela Travers Lyndom (raccontata in ‘Saving Mr. Bank‘), dev’essere data per scontata come un altro remake che la Disney sta preparando per ognuno di noi.

L’azione sarà spostata vent’anni piú tardi rispetto alla precedente versione, diretta cinquant’anni fa da Robert Stevenson e questo sequel, diretto da Rob Marshall, prendendo ispirazione dagli stessi romanzi di Pamela Lyndom Travers, conterà su David Magee per la sceneggiatura, su Marc Shaiman e Scott Wittman per le musiche.

Qualcuno, soprattutto sui social network,  ha lamentato questa iniziativa come inutile, data la magia immortale del primo film e la superba interpretazione di Julie Andrews (che corre il rischio d’essere chiamata anche stavolta).

In ogni caso, noi abbiamo fiducia nella magia e, piú d’ogni altra, nella magia Disney.

⇐Entertainment Week, Ansa, personal education


Mary Poppins and the Chimney Sweeper

ci aspettano al cinema

‘Mission impossible – Rogue Nation’ adesso, ‘The Revenant’ a breve, molto, molto altro in futuro. Quale che sia il futuro della rete distributiva, sale tradizionali o altro, la Decima Musa ha ancora molte frecce al suo arco. Il semicentenario Tom Cruise ha dato convincente prova di sé in ‘Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation’, di Christopher McQuarrie  e c’è da scommettere che l’agognato Oscar si tufferà nel grembo di DiCaprio proprio grazie a ‘The Revenant’, di Alejandro González Iñárritu, nelle sale a settembre (Curatola porta bene, non dimentichiamolo…).

Attesissimi, nei prossimi mesi, i film basati sulle figure di Yitzhak Rabin (‘Rabin the last date’, di Amos Gitai), Steve Jobs (‘Steve Jobs’, di Danny Boyle), Edward Snowden (‘Snowden’, di Oliver Stone, con Joseph Gordon-Levitt), Lance Armstrong (‘The Program’, di Stephen Frears, con Ben Foster, Chris O’Dowd,  Lee Pace, Jesse Plemons, Guillaume Canet e Dustin Hoffman). Alcuni saranno presenti ai festival di Toronto e Venezia.

Innumerevoli, inoltre, i capitoli secondi che saranno proposti nelle prossime due stagioni (il citato Cruise potrebbe tornare anche in ‘Top Gun 2’, per dire; ‘Ghostbusters’ conoscerà un remake al femminile per il suo trentennale, con Chris Hemsworth nel ruolo della segretaria Janine, Chris Pratt e Bryce Dallas Howard si occuperanno nuovamente di dinosauri e parchi a tema in ‘Jurassic World 2’…).

Tornerà ‘Avatar’, ad esempio, la saga degli uomini che camminano a fatica nel mondo reale ma si muovono speditamente quando sognano e aprono gli occhi del cuore (cfr. Hölderlin: “L’uomo è un Dio quando sogna; è un mendicante quando pensa!” e qualcun altro: “l’idealismo è superiore al realismo”). Qualcuno li prendeva per Puffi troppo cresciuti a causa della pelle blu ma nessuno potrà mai dimenticare la bellezza e la suggestione di quel film, la cui fotografia, premiata dall’Oscar, è dell’italiano Mauro Fiore. James Cameron ha annunciato che ‘Avatar 2‘ uscirà nel Natale del 2017, con gli stessi Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana e Sigourney Weaver; nel frattempo, sarà possibile visitare il parco tematico “Pandora”, con tecnologie avveniristiche e fondali da urlo.

Per quanto riguarda Tim Burton, arriveranno ‘Beetlejuice 2’, ‘Alice through the looking glass’ (27 maggio 2016, con Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Mia Wasikowska e Anne Hathaway) ma anche un altro film, basato sull’adattamento del romanzo “Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children”, di Ransom Riggs: una fanciulla, dopo la morte dei suoi genitori, indaga sulle origini della sua famiglia e trova un orfanotrofio per “bambini speciali”, con ragazzine dotate di strani poteri, capaci di dominare il fuoco e viaggiare nel tempo.

Arriveranno i secondi capitoli di Zoolander (febbraio 2016, Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson) e Il mio grosso grasso matrimonio greco (marzo 2016).

E la Disney? Star Wars: Il risveglio della Forza (Star Wars: The Force Awakens), noto anche come Star Wars: Episodio VII – Il risveglio della Forza, diretto da J. J. Abrams e co-sceneggiato dal medesimo Abrams con Lawrence Kasdan, sarà distribuito in Italia il prossimo 16 dicembre 2015, negli Stati Uniti il 18.

 ‘Star Wars: Rogue One’, invece, arriverà nelle sale a dicembre 2016; in attesa delle due pellicole, un po’ come avviene nell’ attesa di ‘Avatar 2’, gli appassionati possono ingannare l’attesa frequentando i parchi tematici; quando l’attesa per ‘Rogue One’ sarà terminata, si potrà gustare un film diretto da Gareth Edwards, che

“si discosterà dal resto della saga, pur mantenendo una familiarità con quell’universo. Entra in un nuovo territorio, esplorando la lotta galattica da una prospettiva dal basso, mantenendo lo spirito di ‘Guerre stellari’ che i fan ben conoscono. Gareth è un regista particolarmente innovativo, e sono cosí entusiasta del lavoro con lui e con il resto del cast che abbiamo trovato”.

(la presidente della Lucasfilm, Kathleen Kennedy).

Secondo quanto riportato da Entertainment Weekly, ‘Rogue One’ approfondirà una storia accennata in ‘Una nuova speranza’, laddove un ologramma della principessa Leila parlava di un gruppo di soldati della resistenza che avevano rischiato le proprie vite per rubare i piani della Morte Nera: ‘Rogue One’ si baserà su questa missione.*

Gli scenari che hanno fato da teatro alle avventure del pesciolino Nemo ospiteranno con analogo entusiasmo ‘Alla ricerca di Dory’ (‘Finding Dory’, giugno 2016),


The Good Dinosaur

Dinosaurs are not extinct, as evident from Cinema and many other human activities. Although extinguished according to biology, their adventures still go on and get success in many different forms, as demonstrated by Spielberg pictures dedicated to the Jurassic World (I know an 8 years old child who knows everything on those nice and incredible creatures, kids go crazy for).
Arlo, e.g., is the next dinosaur going to get theatres and human imagination; in his world dinosaurs are not extinct in the more actual meaning and live nearby human beings (which is quite incorrect according to the sciences but things, in cinema, work in a different, more visionary, way).
He is an Apatosaurus and also is the star of ‘The Good Dinosaurs’, a Pixar Animation – Walt Disney Pictures production which will be released in Italy and in America the same day, November 25; the most acute people could have already glimpsed him (altro…)

the latest from Disney

Life and Death are always dialoguing, at Disney and old films can have a second opportunity to get our souls and fill our inner worlds with the magic.

1963′ ‘The Sword in the Stone’ (in Italy ‘La spada nella roccia’), is said it will have a live-action remake, Brian Cogman (‘Game of Thrones’) is said to be already working on the screenplay, while Brigham Taylor will be the producer.

According to Tracking-board, Disney will also make ‘Pretty Princess 3’, with or without Anne Hathaway. A sequel? A remake? A reboot?

Vita e Morte sono sempre in dialogo, alla Disney e i vecchi film possono avere una seconda opportunità per conquistare le nostre anime e riempire di magia i nostri mondi interiori.

Si dice che ci sarà un remake live-action de ‘La spada nella roccia’, del 1963; sembra che Brian Cogman (‘Trono di Spade’) sia già al lavoro sulla sceneggiatura mentre Brigham Taylor sarà il produttore.

Secondo Tracking-board, la Disney farà anche ‘Pretty Princess 3’, con o senza Anne Hathaway. Un sequel? Un remake? Un reboot?


Planes: what about?

Planes’ is a pleasant film, without any doubt. One has said it is a spin off, entirely taken by Cars and just moved into the sky and the world of planes rather than auto routes. It is not true: a spin off actually is when the characters (not the protagonists) already were in the previous film and the second one continues in telling their stories.

Planes can seem a sort of reboot, perhaps, cause he actualises the same story of Cars and Turbo and, I admit, moves it in the real story of an agricultural plane born to do something different from what he seemed destined for.

Dusty Crophopper, the star of this film, of course a visionary, is nice and generous; he manages to do his work and to help friends in difficulties, such as the English one that runs the risk to precipitate or the Mexican named “El Chupacabra”  having a 5 evidently put on its rudder (or vertical stabilizer?) that has some pr oblem with love.

Hmm … cars, snails, airplanes … what will be the next level?Wink

